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Rob Sebes


Rob Sebes (1961) studied Journalism and worked as an Economic and Political Journalist at the national and international level for over seventeen years. During his final decade in journalism, he worked as the Editor at De Financiële Telegraaf and as head of its parliamentary editorial board. Between those years, he worked for five years as Editor-In-Chief at the central entrepreneurial organization MKB-Nederland.

Since 2006, Rob has been working as a Senior Advisor for strategic communications, media policy and spokesmanship. His roles included: Interim Head of Communications at the Dutch Association of Insurers, Management Spokesman for the RET (public transport for the City-Region Rotterdam), Strategic Advisor and National Spokesman on behalf of all public transport companies for the Student Public Transport Smart Card, Strategic Advisor PR for the program risk management in construction (RISNET), Communications Manager Spokesman of the Iraq Inquiry Committee (Davids Committee) and Head of Public Affairs and Spokesman at the pharmacists organization KNMP. Rob also fulfilled the roles of Communications Manager and Spokesperson of the Parliamentary Inquiry Committee on the Financial System (De Wit Committee) that investigated Dutch financial support to banks and presented its final report on April 11, 2012. 

In addition to his advisory roles, Rob has provided numerous courses on presentation skills, media, and communications, as well as strategic communications sessions for directors and directors/managers in government and industry.

Furthermore, Rob is the author and co-author of six books on financial matters and a book on politics (all published by BBNC Publishers). In 2012, he published the book ‘De Woordvoerder – Handboek voor een professioneel mediabeleid’. Rob is also a member of the Theme Group Media Relations of Logeion, the professional association of and for communications professionals. In addition, Rob is a guest lecturer on strategic communications and media policy at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences.

From 2013 to 2023, Rob was a partner at EPPA.