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Decentrale overheden staan voor grote uitdagingen. De jeugdzorg, energietransitie, ruimtelijke ordening, interbestuurlijke (financiële) verhoudingen, Europese subsidies; uit onderzoek van EPPA is gebleken dat regionale lobby en profilering de afgelopen jaren nóg belangrijker is geworden voor gemeenten en provincies om hun taken te kunnen uitvoeren. Wij ondersteunen u graag bij het behalen van uw doelstellingen met onze op maat gesneden advisering. Voor meer informatie over onze diensten, klik hier.

Our experience
EPPA is well versed in the public sector. Our employees have a passion for politics and public affairs. Our clients include various provinces, municipalities and cooperatives of local governments. EPPA supports local governments in their public affairs, communication and positioning towards the government and each other. We are concerned with energy transition, the social domain, inter-governmental and financial relations, housing, accessibility and work and income.

What can EPPA do for you?
EPPA has the expertise and knowledge to help your partnership, province or municipality in a targeted and effective way in the field of public affairs and strategic communications. For example, we advise on the organizational embedding of the PA function in your organization, the establishment of a strategic PA cycle with the administration, politics and official support, or we can draw up a lobby plan for you.

Want to know more or talk further? Take a look at our services offered here or contact us today.