Organization advice
- How do I divide the public affairs tasks as efficiently as possible?
- Do I assign public affairs to the communications department or to Legal?
- How do the information flows on public affairs work internally?
- How can I effectively organize stakeholder management?
- Why am I not achieving my lobbying goals?
These are questions that EPPA can help you with.
EPPA has developed several successful research and consulting methods to provide you with strategic organizational advice on complex advocacy and policy issues. With our well-stocked toolbox, we examine how your organization can more effectively and efficiently carry out advocacy and how you can then influence the decision-making relevant to you. We do this using the strategic Public Affairs Cycle. With our proven methodologies we look at internal processes and the position of your organization in the political-administrative and social environment. Of course we are also ready to work with you on the implementation of the improvements.
Lobby screening
Using our standard research methods, we will assess your organization in the field of lobbying and public affairs. This results in a practical and strategic advisory report with concrete recommendations that your organization can put to work immediately. If desired, we can help implement the recommendations.
New organization or department? Or are you going through an organizational change? Our advisors can be deployed as quartermasters to shape the internal organization of public affairs, communication and lobbying as effectively as possible.
Image and reputation research
Your reputation with stakeholders partly determines the effectiveness of your public affairs approach. Therefore, EPPA has developed a method to map your image and self-image on some critical success factors of interest representation. This will immediately show on which indicators there is room for improvement.