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Guided by experts

Your trusted advisor in politics, governance & media


As the oldest PA firm in The Hague, we pride ourselves on our reliability. You can always count on us, expertise guaranteed.


As the oldest PA firm in The Hague, we pride ourselves on our reliability. You can always count on us, expertise guaranteed.


One size fits all rarely leads to results. We provide customization, because each issue has a unique political-administrative context and force field.


One size fits all rarely leads to results. We provide customization, because each issue has a unique political-administrative context and force field.


We advise realistically and critically to achieve the desired results.


We advise realistically and critically to achieve the desired results.

Our Services

EPPA Insights: voorstel motie-maximum verworpen – hoe nu verder?
De Tweede Kamer dient al jaren steeds meer moties in,...
EPPA Insights: campagnematig lobbyen
Lobby is iets van achterkamertjes, toch?Schimmige mannen, in beperkt verlichte...
Nieuw teamlid Claire Dijkman: onze nieuwe public affairs adviseur deelt haar visie
EPPA breidt haar team uit en verwelkomt Claire Dijkman als...
EPPA Insights: nieuw beoordelingskader moties
De Tweede Kamer hanteert sinds 19 november 2024 een nieuw...
EPPA introduceert nieuwe collega: kennismaken met Malouke
Onze nieuwe communicatieadviseur combineert haar passie voor politiek en media...